Top 10 Fruits to Eat - Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, and low-carbohydrate
 But fruits are known to be high in carbs but that doesn’t mean that you cannot eat fruits during your keto diet With the right picks, you can enjoy fruits on a keto diet. 

What Fruits to Eat on a Low-Carb Keto Diet


Avocados are also low in calories and that’s what makes them an ideal snack in between your meals or Try cubed avocado topping on your salad with for a keto-friendly lunch.
recipes with Avocados


Whether you are snacking on a handful of them raw or whipping them into a recipe, blackberries can make a great addition to your keto diet plan, This fruit is a great snack for weight loss.
recipe for a filling smoothie


Some people say that tomatoes are a vegetable, but actually tomato is a fruit. Low in fat and carbs too tomatoes are also ketogenic friendly fruit. Research suggests that Tomatoes may help prevent heart disease, as it contains lycopene.


Many of us haven’t head of Rhubard but they taste tart, and you can enjoy it raw, roasted, or in a smoothie. As the leaves can be toxic Just remember to remove the leaves before eating.
recipes with Rhubard


Cantaloupes are delicious and refreshing, and eating the fruit may help you stay full longer and they are another appropriate fruit on the keto diet


Strawberries can be eaten raw, blend a handful into a small low-carb smoothie or add a few pieces to your cereal, they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, Strawberries are another delicious, sweet, and filling fruit that you can eat in moderation on the keto diet


Watermelon is another low-carb and staple summer fruit that can help satisfy your sweet tooth on keto, It’s also a great choice when dieting because of its high water content.


Lemon water contains antioxidants that fight free radicals and they are also keto-friendly, so go ahead and add a spritz of lemon juice to your ice water. it also promotes healthy digestion.


These fruits contain flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that can help reduce blood pressure and promote healthier arteries, lowering your risk of heart disease, eating berries such as raspberries is good for your heart. 
recipe for a filling smoothie

Star Fruit

Even though star fruit is another fruit that some people don’t think to add to buy from the grocery market, it’s worth a try if you’re on keto and want to satisfy your sweet tooth.
recipes with star fruit


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