Keto ? What is Keto ?


What is Keto ??
The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates.
So as the above literal meaning of the Keto diet is all about the adequate proportion of fat, protein, and carbs, and if you are able to master that in a recipe you have surely scored a home run.
The bread you see above is the most savory, delicious bread you can imagine. The crust is crispy, the inside is light and fluffy...
And it's 100%, Keto!
​Every rich, buttery bite will make you completely forget that you’re on a diet.
Not JUST Bread... How About Delicious Keto Cookies & Lasagna?
Every delicious, ginger spice cookie is 100% free from inflammatory ingredients.  And they're sweet enough to satisfy any sugar craving...
The best part, of course, is that these foods contain almost no carbs or sugars. And these cookies taste so good, you’ll never be tempted to cheat with non-keto foods.
Every bite of lasagna is fueling your body with vitamins, minerals, & fats​.
These are the foods that you thought you'd have to give up forever...
And we have only mentioned 3 super keto dishes from our best seller The Essential Keto Cookbook with more than 100+ dishes and step by step recipes, no point of not starting your keto journey now without compromising the delicious and mouthwatering taste and the icing on the cake is we are giving away our book at FREE! 


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